Buy from Just Great Software™

Please enter the number of licenses you want of each product. You can order any number of licenses. If you enter a quantity that is not on the list then you will be charged the per-user price of the largest package that is smaller than the quantity that you want.

Number of
ProductPackage price
Per-user price
  RegexBuddy+RegexMagic+PowerGREP bundle
  RegexBuddy+RegexMagic bundle
  RegexBuddy+PowerGREP bundle
  RegexMagic+PowerGREP bundle
  AceText+EditPad Pro bundle
  AceText+EditPad Lite bundle
  EditPad Pro
  EditPad Lite

End User Details

Issue the license in the name of the buyer. You can enter the buyer’s contact details during checkout.

Issue the license to a different person or company using the following contact details:

Order Summary

ProductPackage price
Per-user price

All prices excluding taxes. Sales tax, VAT, or GST will be added during checkout if your country imposes such taxes on internet sales. You will have the opportunity to provide a tax ID or VAT number to remove the tax if your business is tax exempt.

Your order will be processed by our e-commerce partner FastSpring. They accept all major credit cards and many local payment methods. FastSpring will be the merchant of record for this transaction. If you pay with a credit card or another instant payment method then you will be able to download the software immediately after completing the checkout.

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